Can you hear the judgmental mind when you see someone different? Can we agree to disagree without denigration? Can we work together to mitigate violence against one another? No matter your status, no matter your party affiliations, no matter your religious beliefs, no matter your age, no matter your sex, at our core, I believe that most human beings want similar things. While we experience our humanity differently, we want to relate through our relationships by feeling love and belonging.
“You’re Not Like Me” is derived from differences. I am glad that you are you and I can celebrate you for being you because you are not me. You like what you like and do what you do. At work we commonly say, "You do you girl."
What can I communicate through my music? That goodness is there despite temporary failures. As you go through your day do you see people waiting in line to get gas or groceries? Are people stuck in their cars in never-ending construction zones with miles of traffic? Just like me, these people had somewhere to go, and like me, they are frustrated, and like me, they are running behind schedule. Can I see their humanity? Or do I concentrate on the labels that society uses to divide us? I believe that words matter. Every word and action affects my future, and in the big scheme of things, my words and actions can affect everyone connected to me too. Don’t get me wrong, I still say things that I wish I hadn’t, and I still get stuck in mental patterns that produce pain but “You’re Not Like Me” reminds me to be gracious with myself which in turn reminds me to be gracious with everyone I see.. I hope that you enjoy the tune. Sending love & light to your corner of the world.
Gina ~